
Newark Report Launch and more Data-to-Action

We are happy to share a few updates about what we’ve been working on since the beginning of the year.

A Portrait of Newark Launch

A Portrait of Newark is an exploration of how Newark residents are faring. It examines well-being and access to opportunity using the human development framework and index, presenting American Human Development Index scores for Newark census tracts, wards, and demographic groups, and examining a range of critical issues, including health, education, living standards, and youth disconnection.

Supporting Disconnected Youth in Congress

Rep. Michelle Steel (R-CA) and Rep. Troy Carter (D-LA) are joining together to create a new Bipartisan Opportunity Youth Caucus (BOYC). This is the first congressional caucus focused on elevating the importance of investing in opportunity youth and providing education and information to members of Congress. Measure of America director, Kristen Lewis, spoke at the caucus’s launch event.

Watch the Event Recording Here

In additional congressional activity, Senators Tim Kaine (D-VA) and Laphonza Butler (D-CA) introduced the Opening Doors for Youth Act in the Senate, which would provide substantial funding to local communities to support disconnected youth.

Learn about the Opening Doors for Youth Act

Data2Go Revamp and Open Data Week

In March, Measure of America participated in New York City’s Open Data Week. We presented our DATAGO.NYC tool and gathered feedback for our upcoming revamp.

We are currently in the process of updating our Data2Go tool. Set to launch this summer, the revamp will feature an updated look and feel to the site along with new dashboards and functionality. We will also be updating the current indicators and integrating many new ones. Stay tuned for news on the revamp launch!

Data to Action in 2024

Measure of America research continues to make an impact.

In January, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed a new Youth Disconnection Prevention Bill that establishes an ombudsperson to ensure that schools are supporting students and reengaging those who are disconnected. This bill was championed by one of partners, Newark Opportunity Youth Network, and cited research from our report, A Disrupted Year.

Youth Disconnection Prevention Bill in NJ

In February, more legislation was passed in New Jersey. The state’s new YouthBuild Act establishes a grant program to support organizations serving opportunity youth. Our work was referenced to highlight the need for this programming.

In March, Sonoma County declared racism a public health crisis. Our report, A Portrait of Sonoma Countywas used to justify this declaration, which cited racial/ethnic disparities in life expectancy, health insurance, poverty, and housing.