Interactive Tool to Map Human Need and Well-Being in the New York Metro Area
Access the tool here.
A new way to measure what matters for well-being and opportunity in New York City, DATA2GO.NYC brings together federal, state, and city data for the first time at the neighborhood level. It’s free, easy to use, and will be maintained for years. The groundbreaking online tool that allows users to visualize where people in need are, what resources are available to assist them, where gaps exist, and how different factors interact to shape the choices and opportunities available to them.
Measure of America’s core mission is to provide easy-to-use yet methodologically sound tools for understanding well-being, opportunity, need, and inequality. This exciting project will build upon MOA’s mapping website, online apps, and previous reports to paint a detailed portrait of America’s largest city in a new, highly interactive way.
A snapshot of Measure of America’s current interactive map of the NYC Metro Area
Find our April 16 news release here.
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