Louisiana by the numbers: Report outlines which parishes have best quality of life, what we can do to get better

December 31, 2020 — Monroe News-Star

Study: Well-being gaps between African Americans and whites are result of policy decisions

December 20, 2020 — The Shreveport Times

NYPD Cops Cash In on Sex Trade Arrests With Little Evidence, While Black and Brown New Yorkers Pay the Price

December 7, 2020 — ProPublica

Northeast Louisiana was suffering before the pandemic and is in more dire straits now

December 3, 2020 — Louisiana Illuminator

A Tale of Two Louisianas

November 19, 2020 — The Bayou Brief

New study highlights neighborhood disparities in Louisiana, Caddo Parish

November 18, 2020 — KSLA News 12

Research group wants Louisiana to treat internet access as a utility

November 17, 2020 — Daily Advertiser

‘Portrait Of Louisiana’ Shows Education Gap Persists Between Black And White Residents

November 16, 2020 — WWNO

Campbell reelection triggers “Measure of America”

November 14, 2020 — KTBS 3

CORONAVIRUS Study: Rural Georgia County Has Nation’s Highest Rate Of ‘Youth Disconnection’

August 15, 2020 — WABE