‘The kids everyone forgot’: The faltering post-pandemic push to reengage teens and young adults not in school, college, or the workforce

December 19, 2024Chalkbeat

Nov. 14: Nonprofit New York Annual Conference

November 14, 2024 — Alex Powers and Kristen Lewis presented at Nonprofit New York’s annual conference. They shared how organizations can leverage data and did a walkthrough of how to use DATA2GO.NYC, our online tool which brings together federal, state, and city data on a broad range of issues critical to the well-being of all New Yorkers.

1-in-8 of the region’s young people were disconnected from work and school in 2023

November 4, 2024Kentuckiana Works

Oct. 28-30: Aspen Institute OYF Conference

October 28-30, 2024Measure of America’s Kristen Lewis and Alex Powers presented at the Aspen Institute’s Opportunity Youth Forum convening. One session, presented in partnership with Newark Opportunity Youth Network, focused on how the human development approach is a powerful tool for understanding youth well-being and access to opportunity, with a specific focus on the work we partnered on in Newark. We discussed the results of our research as well as its implications for the broader ecosystem of service providers, philanthropists, educators, advocates, and policymakers in Newark. The second Measure of America OYF session focused on our latest national-level work on youth disconnection.

Ras Baraka, Reasonable Radical

September 30, 2024The New Yorker

Sept. 12: Congressional Briefing on Opportunity Youth

September 12, 2024Measure of America Director Kristen Lewis briefed the Bipartisan Opportunity Youth Caucus on Capitol Hill. She presented key data on the state of youth disconnection in America. Staffers from 22 congressional offices attended.

Bright Spots from the Senate’s Bipartisan WIOA Discussion Draft

August 27, 2024New America

July 30: Hilton Foundation Convening on Opportunity Youth

July 30, 2024 — Co-founder and Director Kristen Lewis is representing Measure of America at Collaboration Across Place: Building Better Futures with Opportunity Youth, hosted by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation in Mexico City.

Many young people are disconnected. Here’s how to inspire them. | Opinion

July 12, 2024Mosaic

Redesigning DATA2GO.NYC: An Interactive Session

June 24, 2024NYC Open Data Week on YouTube